Wednesday, November 26, 2014

In  a previous document i had presented a project made according to European Union recommendations which have link with the fact that strategics investors are leaving EU millions people are losing their jobs and EU menbers states must create specific business opportunities which can bring high profit in short time Given that for such purpose there is a dozens of parameters strategics investors can take into consideration and some ot them are related with polution ,population density ,air quality soft climate and Algarve are very well ranked in all those parameters i had considered that if we will present businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time ,economics area where money invested monday will strart bringuing high profit in short time ,Algarve will become one of the most attractive for foreign investment in the world

Given this very positive aspect in order to help Spain and Portugal to become EU top countries for investment i had created differents regions around Madrid ,Barcelona ,Lisbon Porto which can offer Spain Portugal entreprneurs and strategics investors dozens  businesses oportunities alternatives where they can get high profit in short time
Apart of this due to Algarve very positive and attractive investments paramenters i had combined the region with Huelva Marbela Granada

In the same time as  Spain, Portugal and Cabo Verde togheter have 25 exotic islands

i had  create 25 very attractive regions where Spain ,Portugal and foreign investors can get  more than 25% profit in less than 25 weeks

Given that those 25 regions at a certain moment will have link with 25 USA  Islands in Rothe Islands  i had considered important to inform you a political marketing side of this project which have link with the following situation

1) Portugal and Spain will help elections in 2015 both Government parties are partiees affiliate with Angela Merkel political party
2) Barack Obama political party needs more than ever Luso Americans votes
3) Given that 2015 is a tough  electoral year for Portugal and Spain Angela Merkel needs the two countries to bring innovative ways and alternatives to attract strategics investors ,tourists and know how transfer events partecipants ,because she needs to to present Portugal and Spain as positive examples
4) Luso -Americans who lives in Spain Portugal Cabo Verde use to vote in their major part with republicans and not with Barack Obama political party
5) Usually USA  presidential election can be win with a few votes differences Given that Luso-Americans who lives in USA  represent a community with more than 1.7 millions citizens and their computer are well linked with with some other Luso Americans who are living in Lusofones countries according to a specil project we will implement  in 2016 Luso Americans can be the ones who will help Barack Obama political party to make differences and will for the 3th time consecutivly USA  presidential eelections

6)Statistics g had demonstrated that Luso Americans are not involved in political matter as they suppose to be Thise reality can be observed even with with a neched eye For this matter if you acces Barack Obama political party in Rhode Island you will see that Rhode Islands democratic party facebook accoiunt had less than 1200 like and among those who had liked the page we do not find Luso Americans
Apart of this Luso Americans do not make searches about Barack Obama political partiees they do ,they do not post ,commnet ,share and take any kind of acctions in Barack Obama Rhode Islands political party facebook account
Given that just in Rhode Islands we have a community of more than 150 000 Luso -Americans this mean that mr Barack Obama party is not doing things accroding to Luso -Americans motivations Due to those aspects Barack Obama need a help from a Luso researcher who can understand better what are the motivation which can make Luso Americans to become more interested in USA politic ,interact and then vote Barack Obama Political party
Given that this economic project in order to help Angela Merkel and Barack Obama to achieve certain political scopes it must bring specifics results which will be noted in statistics in such a way Portugal and Spanish Government can present such economics results and Angela Merkel can take Portugal and Spain as positive exampls we must start implmenting it as soon as it is possible

Apart of this is very imprtant to make every Spain ,Portugal entrepreneurs ,investors to know about those advantages and start taking benefit from them beford strategics investors will come because like this the major part of the profit will remain in Portugal  and Spain
Due to those aspeccts i would like Spain and Portugal chamber of commmerce businesses organizations which had received a  docunemnt about this project to analise it and the benefits they can bring to Spanish and Portuguese entrepreneurs and economy and then take a deciusion whether they can become a partener or not
because given the political aspect of the project and some tough deadlines which are pressed us we have alkso an options to implment all those projects under a USA company and foundation leadership

Given that this will mean to make a  major part of the profit to go out from Spain and Portugal we are risking to contue being presed by certain deadlines and wauit for a while untill certains portugueses and Spanish eventual parteners can analise the project and decide

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